Excursion in Ocevia

Excursion in Ocevia
In the location of Banje in the village of Oćevija on the road Olovo - Vareš, there is a well-known picnic area where an international competition in the preparation of under-baked dishes "Pekijada" is held in the eighth month. In a beautiful environment, there are sources of drinking and thermal water, which are among the most powerful sources of the Bosna river basin and are a unique natural atmosphere. The average capacity of the source of drinking water is 120 l/sec, and one part supplies water to the city of Vareš. Right next to the source of drinking water, there are two thermal springs whose water temperature is 24.8 C, PH -7.9, capacity 6 l/sec. Sources of drinking and thermal water mix and form the River Oćevica, which flows into Krivaja. Oćevica water powers three maidans (forges) in the village of Oćevija, which are a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the only ones of their kind in Europe. Maidani are located at a distance of 1 km.